To Serve: those that need to be supported to enter innovative products and services into African markets and achieve sustainable business growth



Teesa Apps



For: those with the Skills and Experiences to Upskill Entrepreneurs and Monetize their Content to a Wider African Audience



wide variety of knowledge from different experts and thought leaders across industries 


Resources and programme are tailored specifically to the unique needs and challenges faced by entrepreneurs.

Forever Access

Bay for a course once and have Access to content Forever

 Teesa Apps?

 creators chose 


Entreprenuers and 


When you sign in the Teesa apps, you a simple and easy navigation experience, access to Free content: The Tutandike Course, Offline Access to additional tools and resources, a Personalized Dashboard, Business rooms, Access to LIVE Business Coaching programmes and scheduled one on one advisory sessions and Smart Notifications.

Entreprenuers and  creators

Top features 

Notable Entreprenuers & Creators on Teesa Apps

Jane doe

Jane doe

Jane doe

Jane doe

Jane doe

Jane doe

Jane doe

Jane doe

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