Teesa Books

We have self published Enterprise Books

We believe that to be true to our Vision for Enterprise skilling in Africa, We have both technology, focus and mainstream products to reach more African Entreprenuers in an equitable way

Ignite your passion for learning, and let the pages of our books guide you toward a future of triumph and innovation. Your next chapter begins here

Tutandike  Books

Starting and running a business can be daunting, and this becomes significantly more complicated when you are moving blind. Luckily for you, we have already done the hard work, and established a process to help you navigate this as seamlessly as possible.

We took all the important aspects of building a business that play an integral role to its success; from refining your business idea, setting up your team, developing the right strategy for your business, getting customers, branding your business, building business structures to service delivery from our maiden course; The Tutandike course and created; The Online Small Business Fundamentals Course for Ugandan Entrepreneurs Course Book and its Work Book;

These books have all the tools you need to set up the rights systems, and ultimately, the right foundation for your business in all key areas, so that later you do not have to do the costly work of trouble shooting the things you over looked in the beginning.

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Teach them, Serve them

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